Tuesday, April 3, 2012

The List In My Bucket

My dreams are much different than they were four years ago, when I graduated from high school. I have nearly four years of college experience under my belt now, and I'm passionate now in ways that I wasn't before. But I'm mostly the same quirky girl I've always been... only better.
Teach "middle schoolers" in a way that is exciting and engaging
Study Abroad (Summer 2012)
Travel/Teach in another country
Mission trips... I hope to eventually spend my summers teaching in an orphanage

Ride a hot-air balloon
Sing Karaoke
Learn to play the guitar
Learn to line dance
Pay for a stranger's gas... random act of kindness
Paint another mural
Travel to the South (Georgia, Alabama, Tennessee)
Go to Mexico
Ride a horse
Eat Catfish
Catch a giant fish
Fall in love
Go scuba diving

1 comment:

  1. It's a great list but I hope most of all you are successful with "Fall in Love." It is awesome.
